The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism

“In Daniel Henderson’s The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism: A Travel Guide for White People, Henderson provides pathways and insights into a more inclusive approach to life and society. His is a direct spiritual, intellectual, and honorable guide in addressing an issue that has too long lurked in society’s shadows.”   

 John Busbee, The Culture Beat

“In The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism, Daniel Henderson is clear, direct, honest, and empathetic. In short, he is the perfect guide for this challenging journey so many white Americans still need to take. While holding your hand Henderson leads the reader through the many different areas of growth required to become an antiracist; stopping to point at the spots even he tripped up. Void of condescension or over-intellectualism, this work is rooted in the rare combination of hard-to-face facts and compassion, making it the perfect map for personal development. I hope all the white people I know read this. It gives me hope.”

Caleb "The Negro Artist" Rainey -    Author | Performer | Producer

The book The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism: A Travel Guide for White People results from Henderson’s life journey and learning. It is a compassionate but no-holds-barred conversation about the invisible script of white supremacy that infects every white person in the United States. It also provides a pathway to finding your way out of the script and rewriting a new one. Today, Daniel lives in Washington, Iowa, and is the Director of “Washington for Justice,” a grassroots advocacy group that works to make that community inclusive, diverse, and welcoming for all people. He also continues to teach American History at a local community college.

“We are at a critical moment in race relations and Henderson is the right voice for this moment. As we saw with Confessions of a Recovering Evangelical, Henderson offers his hand as a personal guide. He approaches his readers—and the topic of antiracism—with patience, kindness, honesty, and understanding. As a seasoned history teacher, he offers clarity and a clear path forward. Henderson is also a prolific and practiced storyteller—a skill honed through an excellent blog, “Things We Don't Talk About Like Politics & Religion.” Indeed, in February 2023, Henderson challenged himself to write a detailed and deeply researched post about black history for every day of the entire month. I told him this should be a book—the effort and output—was quite incredible and steeped in history, curiosity, and recommendations for readings, museum visits, and a better historical framework for understanding U.S. race relations. As a result, he created The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism. A book every white person should read.”

Bettina Fabos, Professor, Interactive Digital, Studies & Director, Fortepan Iowa, University of Northern Iowa